Cooking Videos

Cooking at a yoga retreat* in Yelapa, Mexico
I am a food enthusiast and see the nutrition in foods as an essential component of overall health and well being.
I created these videos is to get you motivated! The basic aspects of whole foods cooking in these videos can be a great starting point for anyone seeking to change their diet.
Food and its preparation should not be intimidating. It should be exciting, fun, and easy. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for ways to eat healthy without the hassle.
Experimentation in the kitchen can go a long way on the path of knowledge and techniques.
It is all about eating as close to nature as possible: choosing local foods as they are in abundance with the seasons, and organic when possible. This will help you shift your diet away from nutritionally poor foods that are refined and processed (things made with flours, preservatives and too much salt that throws your mineral balance off), and on to whole foods that are colorful, tasty and full of life and nutrition.
Cooking for yourself, your friends and your family is your key to feeling more vitality on a day to day basis. And that vitality is your first step for the energy and the motivation to make real changes toward a healthier lifestyle.
Share and give thanks for the abundance available to you!

Cooking at a yoga retreat in Santorini, Greece
Benefits of Wakame seaweed salad and how to make it
Dr. Paul Gannon discusses the benefits of seaweed, particularly its high iodine content which is important for women’s health. He explains that iodine helps convert estrogen into cancer-preventative rather than cancer-causing estrogens, and that seaweed is the easiest way to get iodine in the diet. He recommends using wakame and dulse in cooking, with dulse being a great replacement for salty snacks like chips. Gannon then demonstrates how to make a seaweed salad by hydrating the seaweed with fresh-squeezed orange juice, adding toasted sesame oil, hot sauce, and sesame seeds. He emphasizes the importance of eating healthy and being adventurous in the kitchen for good health.
All about Kombucha
KOMBUCHA! It is everywhere now, but what is in the stores may not be the real thing. I show you how to make kombucha (both real and what is sold in the stores) the easiest way, and dispel some myths as well. This 4 min video is your must watch for everything related to kombucha!
How to make the perfect poached eggs
Dr. Paul Gannon, a naturopathic physician, shares his method for making the perfect poached egg in a video. He emphasizes the health benefits of eggs, including the nutrients and cholesterol that are good for the body. He recommends using the whole egg instead of just the egg white for the full benefits. To make the perfect poached egg, he suggests heating a pan and adding a quarter inch of water and vinegar. Crack the egg into the water and cover the pan with a lid. Wait for the foaming to stop and then remove the egg with a slotted spoon. He suggests serving the poached egg with farm-fresh vegetables for a nutritious breakfast. Dr. Gannon also offers consultations for natural health needs via phone or Skype.
How to make pumpkin soup with leeks and watercress
A cooking video on how to make a delicious soup with pumpkin, leeks and watercress, but discussing other variations that lend themselves easily to using any ingredients you may have on hand. Dr. Gannon discusses how to make incredible soups that will not be forgotten. Dr Gannon is a naturopathic physician with a keen passion for all things food and cooking. His informative videos are meant to motivate and inspire to get into the kitchen and eat healthy!
How to make a fabulous soup base
Dr. Paul Ganon shares a simple and delicious soup recipe using sautéed leaks as the key ingredient. The recipe starts with chicken broth, which can be made at home or bought from the store. The sautéed leaks and diced pumpkin are added to the broth and simmered until tender. The soup can be served as is, or additional ingredients like chicken, basil, pesto, tomato, Chipotle powder, or black beans can be added to give it an Italian or Mexican twist. The soup can be made in under 20 minutes, making it a quick and easy meal for a cold winter night. Dr. Ganon emphasizes the importance of using organic and healthy ingredients whenever possible.
How to make Brussel spouts delicious
Dr. Paul Gannon shares a recipe for cooking Brussels sprouts and explains the health benefits of this vegetable. Brussels sprouts are a member of the cabbage family and help keep estrogen metabolized into good estrogen. Cabbage and all cruciferous vegetables will do that for you, including broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. To cook Brussels sprouts, cut off the end and remove any yellowed leaves. Soaking Brussels sprouts for a few hours or even overnight after cutting them will plump them and make them juicier. The key to delicious Brussels sprouts is for them to be soft, and sauteing them slowly at low heat is the key.
How to sauté leeks
In this video, Dr. Paul Gannon demonstrates how to cook leeks, which he says will become the basis of every pot of soup you make. He begins by cutting the leeks down the middle to expose where the sand and dirt is. He then trims off the ends and old leaves before adding olive oil and salt to a pan. The leeks sauté in their own juices for 30 minutes on low heat, during which time they turn a nice green color and become tender. Dr. Gannon suggests serving the leeks with brown rice, beef, or chicken with sautéed mushrooms. He also recommends making a lot of leeks and freezing them in small containers for future use in soups or as a side dish. The video is a simple and straightforward guide to cooking leeks, with emphasis on their versatility as an ingredient.
How to make perfect brown rice
In this video tutorial, Dr. Paul Gallen teaches how to cook brown rice, a simple and delicious food that is a great alternative to wheat-based products and ideal for anyone wanting to go gluten-free or reduce their wheat consumption. Brown rice is easy to cook and tastes much better than white rice. While washing the rice is optional, it can help remove extra flour and rice powder from the rice. Dr. Gallen recommends cooking one part rice to two parts water, and the rice should simmer for 45 minutes. Brown rice comes in different varieties, like short-grain, long-grain, brown basmati, and brown jasmine, each with its unique texture and flavor. Dr. Gallen encourages everyone to try cooking brown rice and enjoy a healthier and tastier alternative to white rice.